Coginio gyda Lisa Fearn / Cooking with Lisa Fearn

Gwynebu ac yn goresgyn heriau / Have the confidence to participate in performance

Unigolion iach, hyderus / Healthy, confident individuals.

Yr wythnos hon, cafodd y plant gyfle i goginio gyda Lisa Fearn yn ystod un o dasgau llais y disgybl. Gwnaeth y disgyblion gweithio’n galed drwy’r wythnos i greu sioe radio coginio. Cyfle gwych a’r fraint o goginio ochr yn ochr â Lisa Fearn / This week, the children had the opportunity to cook with Lisa Fearn during one of their pupil voice tasks. They have been working this week on creating their own cooking radio show. It was great for them to have the opportunity to cook alongside Lisa Fearn.

Gwersi Ffrangeg / French Lesson

Adeiladu sylfaen o wybodaeth ac yn meddu’r sgiliau i gysylltu a chymhwyso’r wybodaeth honno o fewn testunau gwahanol / Are building up a body of knowledge and have the skills to connect and apply that knowledge in different contexts

Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog / Ambitious, capable learners

Yr wythnos hon, gwnaeth Flwyddyn 6 parhau i gyfathrebu mewn iaith wahanol yn ystod y wers Ffrangeg.

This week Year 6 continued to communicate in a different language during their French lesson.

Wythnos Gyrfaoedd / Careers week

Gallu cyfathrebu’n effeithiol mewn gwahanol ffurfiau a lleoliadau, gan ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg. / Can communicate effectively in different forms and settings, using both Welsh and English.

Dinasyddion moesol, gwybodus / Ethical, informed citizens

Am wythnos llawn cyffro, mae plant Cam Cynnydd 3 wedi elwa trwy gwrdd ag amrywiaeth eang o bobl gyda swyddi a phroffesiynau gwahanol. Mae’r plant wedi dysgu beth sydd angen arnyn er mwyn llwyddo yn y byd gwaith a deall bod yna amrywiaeth eang o gyfleoedd gwahanol ar gael iddyn nhw.

A week full of excitement for the children of progression step 3, they have most definitely benefitted from meeting a variety of individuals from different jobs and professions. The children have learnt what it takes to succeed in the working world in a variety of jobs and there are plenty of options for them .

Wythnos Gyrfaoedd / Careers Week – Cardiff Devils

Gallu cyfathrebu’n effeithiol mewn gwahanol ffurfiau a lleoliadau, gan ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg. / Can communicate effectively in different forms and settings, using both Welsh and English.

Dysgwyr Uchelgeisiol, Galluog / Ambitious, Capable Learners

Cychwyn gwych i’n hwythnos gyrfaoedd yng Ngham Cynnydd 3. Cafodd y plant eu hysbrydoli yn ystod y cyflwyniad gwych gan y chwaraewyr proffesiynol o dîm hoci iâ’r Cardiff Devils. Cafodd y plant cyfle i wisgo’r cit a dysgu mwy am y chwaraewyr a’u rôl nhw o fewn y tîm yn ystod y sesiwn holi ac ateb. Yn ystod yr ymweliad fe anogwyd y plant i weithio’n galed a manteisio ar bob cyfle.

A excellent start to our Careers Week in Progression Step 3. The children were inspired during the informative presentation by the professional players from the Cardiff Devils ice hockey team. The children had the opportunity to wear the kit and learn more about the players and their role within the team during the Q&A. Throughout the visit the children were encouraged to work hard and take advantage of every opportunity.

Amgueddfa Abertawe – Sioe Heliwr y Pili Pala / Swansea Museum – The Butterfly Hunter Show

Ymgymryd ymchwiliadau ac yn gwerthuso’n feirniadol yr hyn maen nhw’n ei ddarganfod ac yn barod i ddysgu trwy gydol eu bywydau.

Undertake research and evaluate critically what they find and are ready to learn throughout their lives.

Dysgwyr Uchelgeisiol, Galluog / Ambitious, Capable Learners

Ar Ddydd Mercher aeth Cam Cynnydd 3 ar ymweliad i Theatr Dylan Thomas ac Amgueddfa Abertawe. Cafodd y disgyblion gyfle i wylio’r sioe ‘Butterfly Hunter’ er mwyn dysgu am fywyd Alfred Russel Wallace. Tra yn yr Amgueddfa, cafodd y disgyblion gyfle gwych i archwilio gwahanol fathau o ffosilau ac esgyrn. Yna y cyfle  i fod yn feddylwyr beirniadol drwy benderfynu a oedd casglu’r holl wahanol fathau o rywogaethau at ddibenion gwyddonol yn gywir neu beidio.

On Wednesday Progression Step 3 went on a school visit to the Dylan Thomas Theatre and the Swansea museum. The pupils had the opportunity to watch the show ‘Butterfly Hunter’ to learn about the life of Alfred Russel Wallace. Whilst at the museum the children had the wonderful opportunity to explore different types of fossils and bones. They then had the opportunity to be critical thinkers by deciding whether it was right to have collected all these different types of species for scientific purposes.

Diwrnod Cwpan y Byd / Rugby World Cup Day

Defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Using my skills and knowledge to create something new

Gwneud y gorau o bob cyfle / Making the most of every opportunity

Cyfleu fy syniadau mewn gwahanol ffyrdd / Convey my ideas in different ways

Dinasyddion moesol, gwybodus / Ethical, informed citizens

Am ddiwrnod llawn gweithgareddau hwylus. Cafodd blant Cam Cynnydd 3 hwyl a sbri yn ystod ein diwrnod dathlu Cwpan y Byd. Ymwelwyd â gwahanol ddosbarthiadau lle cawsant goginio pitsas, dysgu’r Haka, creu origami, dysgu Ffrangeg a datblygu eu dealltwriaeth o’r gystadleuaeth a’r gwledydd sy’n cymryd rhan yn y twrnamaint.

What a fun packed day. Progression Step 3 had lots of fun during our Rugby World Cup celebration day. The children visited different classes where they cooked pizzas, learnt the Haka, created origami, learnt French and learnt more about the countries that are taking part in the tournament.

Sesiwn ‘Pure Football’ / ‘Pure Football’ session.

Yn cymhwyso gwybodaeth am effaith deiet ac ymarfer ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol yn eu bywyd pob dydd. / Apply knowledge about the impact of diet and exercise on physical and mental health in their daily lives.

Unigolion iach, hyderus / Healthy, confident individuals.

Gwnaeth plant blwyddyn 4 a 5 gael cyfle i gael sesiwn pêl-droed gyda chwmni ‘Pure Football.’ Cafodd y plant gyfle i ddatblygu sgiliau pêl-droed allweddol yn y sesiwn yma. Sgiliau megis – sgiliau pêl a sgiliau cydweithio. Mwynheodd y plant fireinio’r sgiliau holl allweddol yma. / Year 4 and 5 children had the opportunity to have a football session with the company ‘Pure Football.’ The children got to develop key football skills, such as – ball skills and collaboration skills. The children enjoyed honing the key football skills.

Wythnos Ieithoedd Ewropeaidd / European Languages Week

Parchu anghenion a hawliau pobl eraill, fel aelod o gymdeithas / Are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past

Dinasyddion moesol, gwybodus / Ethical, informed citizens

Cafodd blwyddyn 5 blas ar ddysgu ymadroddion Sbaeneg i ddathlu Diwrnod Ieithoedd Ewropeaidd y wythnos hon. Nod y diwrnod yw codi ymwybyddiaeth o’r amrywiaeth eang o ieithoedd yn Ewrop. Mae’n hyrwyddo treftadaeth ddiwylliannol ac amrywiaeth ieithyddol.

Year 5 had a taster session to learn some Spanish phrases this week to celebrate the European Day of Languages. The day aims to raise awareness of the wide variety of languages in Europe. It promotes cultural heritage & linguistic diversity.

Bore Dydd Mercher roedd blwyddyn 6 yn brysur wrthi’n hybu darllen Cymraeg o fewn y gymuned gydag Ysgol Clwyd.

Wednesday morning year 6 were busy promoting Welsh reading within the community with pupils from Clwyd School.

Go Explore!

Dysgu am y byd o fy nghwmpas (diwylliant, cymuned, a chymdeithas) nawr ac yn y gorffennol.

Learning about the world around me, (Culture, community and society) now and in the past.

Dinesydd Egwyddorol Gwybodys / Global citizen

Yr wythnos hon mae Cam cynnydd 3 wedi bod yn gweithio gyda Go Explore i ddeall sut mae creaduriaid yn dibynnu ar ei gilydd o fewn cadwyni bwyd gwahanol. Rydym hefyd wedi dysgu sut effaith rydym ni yn gallu cael ar y cadwyni bwyd a chynefinoedd y creaduriaid yma. Cafodd y plant gyfle hefyd i drin a dosbarthu dail gwahanol a cheisio labeli o ba goed daeth y dail penodol.

This week Progression step 3 have worked with Go Explore to understand how different creatures rely on one another within different food webs. We have also learnt about the effect that humans have on these food webs and on their habitats. We also had the opportunity to discuss and sort different leaves and try and identify from which tree these leaves have originated from.

Orielodl / Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru

Cysylltu a chymhwyso eu gwybodaeth a’u sgiliau i greu syniadau a chynhyrchion

Connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products

Cyfranwyr Mentrus, Creadigol / Enterprising, Creative Contributors

Yr wythnos hon, bu Cam Cynnydd 3 yn brysur iawn. Cafodd y plant gyfle i gyd- weithio’n agos gyda’r cyngor llyfrau gan benderfynu pa lyfrau briodol oedd angen ar gyfer llyfrgell yr ysgol. Yn ogystal â hynny, cafodd y Cyngor ysgol fraint o weithio gydag Orielodl i greu darn o Gelf unigryw i’r ysgol. Yn sicr, rydym yn falch iawn o’r darn gorffenedig.

This week Progression Step 3 worked closely with Orielodl and Book Council for Wales. The children had the chance to work closely with the book council where they got to decide on what books the school library need. The school councils had the chance to work with Orielodl to create a unique piece of art for the school. We are very proud with the results