Arwyr yn y dosbarth



         Dinasyddion moesol, gwybodus sy’n:

ymarfer a deall eu cyfrifoldebau a’u hawliau dynol a democrataidd;​

  • deall ac ystyried effaith eu gweithredoedd wrth wneud dewisiadau a gweithredu;​
  • wybodus am eu diwylliant, eu cymuned, eu cymdeithas a’r byd, yn awr ac yn y gorffennol;

Ethical, informed citizens who: 

  • engage with contemporary issues based upon their knowledge and values;​
  • understand and exercise their human and democratic responsibilities and rights;​
  • understand and consider the impact of their actions when making choices and acting;​
  • are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past;

Ymweliad wrth y Nyrs

Fel rhan o’n thema arwyr, wythnos diwethaf daeth nyrs yr ysgol i’n gweld i siarad am fod yn arwr yn y gymuned. Siaradodd am bwysigrwydd golchi dwylo a beth i’w wneud pan fyddwch yn teimlo’n sâl. Atgoffodd hi ni i gyd am fwyta’n iach a brwsio ein dannedd yn ddyddiol i helpu i gadw’n iach. Darllenodd y nyrs stori a ddefnyddiodd y plant sgiliau gwrando da iawn.

As part of our heroes theme, last week the school nurse came into see us to talk about being a hero in the community.  She spoke about the importance of hand washing and what to do when feeling unwell.  She reminded us all about healthy eating and brushing our teeth daily to help staying healthy.  The nurse read a story which the children used very good listening skills. 

Gweithgareddau Tric a Chlic


Dysgwyr uchelgeisiolgalluog sy’n: 

  • gosod safonau uchel i’w hunain, yn edrych am ac yn mwynhau her;

Ambitious, capable learners who: 

  • set themselves high standards and seek and enjoy challenge;

Rydym yn brysur yn dilyn y rhaglen Tric a Chlic er mwyn dysgu darllen a ffurfio llythrennau yn gywir.  Mae’r plant yn mwynhau ymarfer ffurfio a chymryd rhan gyda’r gweithgareddau gwahanol.

We are busy following the Tric a Chlic programme in order to learn to read and form letters correctly. The children enjoy practicing forming and participating with the different activities.

Sgiliau TGCh


Mae’r plant wedi mwynhau defnyddio Hwb ar yr iPads yn y dosbarth yr wythnos ddiwethaf, gwnaethant i gyd bortreadau ohonynt eu hunain. Mae’r plant hefyd wedi bod yn rhoi cynnig ar apiau gwahanol i hybu eu sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd. Rhai apiau da yw Tric a Chlic a Betsan a Roco.

The children have enjoyed using Hwb on the iPads in the class this past week, they all made portraits of themselves.  The children have also been trying some different apps to boost their literacy and numeracy skills. Some good apps are Tric a Chlic and Betsan a Roco.



Unigolion iach, hyderus sy’n:  Healthy, confident individuals who: 

  • gwneud penderfyniadau rhesymol yn eu ffordd o fyw, ac yn medru rheoli ​
    risg meddu ar yr hyder i gymryd rhan mewn perfformiadau;​
  • ffurfio perthnasau cadarnhaol yn seiliedig ar ymddiriedaeth a pharch at ei gilydd ​
  • wynebu ac yn goresgyn heriau;​
  • meddu ar y sgiliau a’r wybodaeth i reoli eu bywydau bob dydd mor annibynnol ag sy’n bosibl;

  • take measured decisions about lifestyle and manage risk;​
  • have the confidence to participate in performance;​
  • form positive relationships based upon trust and mutual respect -face and overcome challenge;​
  • have the skills and knowledge to manage everyday life as independently as they can;

Gweithgaredd lles wythnos ddiwethaf oedd ioga yn y dosbarth, roedd gan y plant nifer o symudiadau i ddangos ac wedi cyfarwyddiadau yn dda.  Ceisiwch dangos i’r teulu pa symudiadau fedrwch gofio!

Last week’s well-being activity was yoga in class, the children had a number of movements and shapes to show and had followed instructions well. Try to show the family which movements you can remember!




Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol sy’n:

  • cysylltu a chymhwyso eu gwybodaeth a’u sgiliau i greu syniadau a chynhyrchion;​
  • meddwl mewn ffordd greadigol i ail-lunio a datrys problemau;
  • Enterprising, creative contributors who: 
  • connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products;​
  • think creatively to reframe and solve problems;

Mae’r plant wedi bod wrth eu boddau defnyddio offerynnau er mwyn creu caneuon eu hunain a chyd-ganu hwiangerddi o fewn y dosbarth!

The children have loved using instruments to create their own songs and sing nursery rhymes together within the class!

Rhifau yn y Derbyn


  • Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog sy’n: 
  • holi ac yn mwynhau datrys problemau;​
  • gallu cyfathrebu’n effeithiol mewn gwahanol ffurfiau a lleoliadau, gan ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg;

Ambitious, capable learners who: 

  • are questioning and enjoy solving problems; ​
  • can communicate effectively in different forms and settings, using both Welsh and English;

Mae’r plant wedi bod wrthi yn ymarfer ffurfio ac adnabod rhifolion 0-10.  Maent wedi bod yn defnyddio gwrthrychau gwahanol er mwyn ymarfer cyfri fesul 1.  Ydych chi’n gallu ffurfio rhifau o amgylch y ty? Rhowch gynnig arni.

The children have been practicing forming and recognising numbers from 0-10. They have been using different objects to practice counting by 1.  Can you form numbers around the house?  Have a go.

Y Cadno Campus


Dysgwyr uchelgeisiolgalluog sy’n: 

  • gosod safonau uchel i’w hunain, yn edrych am ac yn mwynhau her;

Ambitious, capable learners who: 

  • set themselves high standards and seek and enjoy challenges;

Dyma’r plant gyda’i mygydau Cadno ar ôl mwynhau’r stori Y Cadno Campus wedi ei sbarduno ar ôl dathlu Diwrnod Roald Dahl.

These are the children with their Fox masks after enjoying the Fantastic Mr Fox story inspired by our recent Roald Dahl day celebrations.

Gweithgareddau ardal allanol

Unigolion iachhyderus sy’n

  • meddu ar werthoedd cryf ac yn sefydlu eu credoau ​
    moesol ac ysbrydol; ​
  • adeiladu eu lles meddyliol ac emosiynol trwy ddatblygu hyder, ​

cadernid ac empathi;​

  • cymhwyso gwybodaeth am effaith deiet ac ymarfer corff ar iechyd ​

corfforol a meddyliol yn eu bywydau bob dydd;

Healthy, confident individuals who: 

  • have secure values and are establishing their spiritual and ethical beliefs;​
  • are building their mental and emotional well-being by developing confidence, resilience and empathy;​
  • apply knowledge about the impact of diet and exercise on physical and mental health in their daily lives;



Yn ystod y cwpl o wythnosau cyntaf yn y Derbyn, mae’r plant wedi mwynhau gweithgareddau amrywiol yn yr ardal tu allan gyda’r tywydd gwych a gawsom. Gwneud marciau, datblygu ein sgiliau cydbwysedd, cyfathrebu a dod i adnabod ein gilydd. Mae’r rhain i gyd yn weithgareddau a all gefnogi’r plant i symud ymlaen yn y flwyddyn ysgol.

Pa weithgareddau awyr agored ydych chi wedi gallu eu gwneud y penwythnos hwn? Edrychwn ymlaen at siarad gyda’r plant amdanyn nhw.

During our first couple of weeks in the Reception, the children have enjoyed various activities in the outdoor area with the great weather we’ve had.  Mark making, developing our balance skills, communicating and getting to know one another.  These are all activities that can support the children moving forward in the school year. 

What outdoor activities have you been able to do this weekend? We look forward to talking with the children about them. 

Diwrnod Roald Dahl


  • Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog sy’n: 
  • gallu cyfathrebu’n effeithiol mewn gwahanol ffurfiau a lleoliadau, gan ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg;
  • Ambitious, capable learners who: 
  • can communicate effectively in different forms and settings, using both Welsh and English;

Yr wythnos hon buom yn dathlu diwrnod Roald Dahl drwy wisgo i fyny a siarad am straeon bendigedig rhai o’r awduron. Yn amlwg, ymdrech ardderchog gan bob teulu. Fe wnaethon ni fwynhau siarad am ba straeon a ffilmiau maen nhw’n eu gwybod. Mwynhaodd y plant wneud gwneud mygydau cymeriad gan ddefnyddio eu sgiliau torri a lliwio.

This week we celebrated Roald Dahl day by dressing up and talking about some of the authors wonderful stories.  Obviously, some excellent effort from all families.  We enjoyed talking about what stories and movies they know.  The children enjoyed making some character masks using their cutting skills and colouring.