Undertake research and evaluate critically what they find and are ready to learn throughout their lives./Ymgymryd ymchwiliadau ac yn gwerthuso’n feirniadol yr hyn maen nhw’n ei ddarganfod ac yn barod i ddysgu trwy gydol eu bywydau.
Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog / Ambitious, capable learners
Bu cyffro mawr ar Ddydd Gwener 19eg o Ebrill pan ymwelodd Immersive Experiences â disgyblion Cam Cynnydd 3 gyda’u cromen amlbwrpas 360°. Cafodd y disgyblion eu syfrdanu wrth edrych ar y cytserau. Cawsant hefyd anturiaethau anhygoel oddi ar y byd a mwy wrth wylio ffilm gyffrous 360˚. Ffordd wych o ennyn diddordeb yn ein thema newydd.
There was great excitement on Friday 19th of April when Immersive Experiences visited the pupils in Progression Step 3 with their 360° multi-purpose dome. The pupils were left in awe whilst viewing the constellations. They also experienced incredible off-world adventures and more whilst watching a thrilling 360˚ film. A great way to inspire interest in our new topic.