Defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Using my skills and knowledge to create something new
Gwneud y gorau o bob cyfle / Making the most of every opportunity
Cyfleu fy syniadau mewn gwahanol ffyrdd / Convey my ideas in different ways
Dinasyddion moesol, gwybodus / Ethical, informed citizens
Am ddiwrnod llawn gweithgareddau hwylus. Cafodd blant Cam Cynnydd 3 hwyl a sbri yn ystod ein diwrnod dathlu Cwpan y Byd. Ymwelwyd â gwahanol ddosbarthiadau lle cawsant goginio pitsas, dysgu’r Haka, creu origami, dysgu Ffrangeg a datblygu eu dealltwriaeth o’r gystadleuaeth a’r gwledydd sy’n cymryd rhan yn y twrnamaint.
What a fun packed day. Progression Step 3 had lots of fun during our Rugby World Cup celebration day. The children visited different classes where they cooked pizzas, learnt the Haka, created origami, learnt French and learnt more about the countries that are taking part in the tournament.