Dysgu am y byd o fy nghwmpas (diwylliant, cymuned, a chymdeithas) nawr ac yn y gorffennol.
Learning about the world around me, (Culture, community and society) now and in the past.
Dinesydd Egwyddorol Gwybodys / Global citizen
Yr wythnos hon mae Cam cynnydd 3 wedi bod yn gweithio gyda Go Explore i ddeall sut mae creaduriaid yn dibynnu ar ei gilydd o fewn cadwyni bwyd gwahanol. Rydym hefyd wedi dysgu sut effaith rydym ni yn gallu cael ar y cadwyni bwyd a chynefinoedd y creaduriaid yma. Cafodd y plant gyfle hefyd i drin a dosbarthu dail gwahanol a cheisio labeli o ba goed daeth y dail penodol.
This week Progression step 3 have worked with Go Explore to understand how different creatures rely on one another within different food webs. We have also learnt about the effect that humans have on these food webs and on their habitats. We also had the opportunity to discuss and sort different leaves and try and identify from which tree these leaves have originated from.