Yn cymryd rhan mewn gweithgarwch corfforol / Take part in physical activity.
Unigolion iach, hyderus / Healthy, confident individuals
Gwnaeth disgyblion cam cynnydd 3 fwynhau amrywiaeth o weithgareddau yn ystod ein hwythnos iechyd a lles. Gwnaethon nhw gael y cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau gwahanol megis – gweithdy cymorth cyntaf, gweithdy hiliaeth, sesiwn ymarferol o Jiu-Jitsu, sesiwn ymarferol gyda’r Gweilch, rhedeg milltir y dydd, sesiynau ioga, sesiynau meddylgarwch, plannu coed, therapi celf, gwylio ffilm am deimladau a gwneud smwddis iachus. Cafodd y plant llawer o hwyl a sbri wrth ddysgu pethau newydd.
The pupils in progression step 3 have enjoyed a variety of activities this week during out health and wellbeing week. They have had the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities such as – a first aid workshop, racism workshop, practical Jui-Jitsu session, practical session with the Ospreys, running a mile a day, yoga sessions, mindfulness sessions, art therapy, planting trees, watching a film about feelings and making healthy smoothies. The pupils have had a lot of fun learning new things.