Dinasyddion moesol, gwybodus sy’n wybodus am eu diwylliant, eu cymuned, eu cymdeithas a’r byd, yn awr ac yn y gorffennol / Ethical, informed citizens who are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past.
Y Dyniaethau a’r Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Humanities and The Expressive arts.
Yn ddiweddar, rydym wedi cael cyfle i astudio digwyddiadau hanesyddol pwysig yn ein hardal leol. Gwnaeth y dosbarthiadau fwynhau dysgu am wahanol straeon megis – hanes Daniel James, hanes pwll glo Mynydd Newydd, hanes y rheilffordd o Benlan i Ddociau Abertawe, hanes Cwrs Rasys Penlan a hanes Ffair Llangyfelach. Fel rhan o’r astudiaethau hyn, yn ystod yr wythnos, cawsom gyfle i fynychu gweithdy gyda chwmni CISP, gyda’r nod o ddylunio sawl comic sy’n olrhain hanes y digwyddiadau hanesyddol pwysig yn yr ardal leol. Diolch i CISP am weithdy gwych! We have recently been studying important historical events in our local area. We have enjoyed learning about different stories such as – the history of Daniel James, the history of Mynydd Newydd Colliery, the history of the railway between Penlan and Swansea Docks, the history of Penlan Race Course and the history of Llangyfelach Fair. As a part of this study, we had the opportunity this week to take part in a workshop with CISP, with the aim of designing our own comics that outline the history of important events in the local area. We very much enjoyed designing panels for our comics. Thanks to CISP for a great workshop!