Category Archives: News

Athletau / Athletics

Bod yn hyderus i berfformio / Be confident to perform

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Well-being

Da iawn i’n disgyblion blwyddyn 3 am gystadlu ar ran yr ysgol mewn athletau ac am ennill y darian ym Mhencampwriaethau Athletau Ardal Gorllewin Morgannwg.

Well done to our year 3 pupils for competing on behalf of the school in athletics and for winning the shield at West Glamorgan Area Athletics Championships.

Efelychu gwaith celf/ Emulate art work

Cysylltu a chymhwyso eu gwybodaeth a’u sgiliau i greu syniadau a chynhyrchion / Connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products

Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts

Dyma’r plant yn efelychu gwaith yr arlunydd Katsushika Hokusai yr Wythnos hon.

Here are the children emulating Katsushika Hokusai‘s work this week.

Ymarfer Corff/ Physical Education.

Mae’r plant wedi dysgu sut i wynebu ac yn goresgyn heriau / The children have show to have the confidence to participate in performance

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Well-being

Mae’r plant wedi bod yn ymarfer eu sgiliau cyd-bwyso yr wythnos yma er mwyn fod yn hyderus i gymryd rhan o fewn ymarferion ras Sachau.

This week the children have been practicing their balancing skills in order to take part in Sport day races.

Tymheredd / Temperature

Fod yn ymholgar a mwynhau datrys problemau / Be inquisitve and enjoy solving problems

Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy

Disgyblion blwyddyn 2 yn mwynhau darganfod a threfnu tymheredd!

Year 2 pupils enjoying as they discover and place different temperatures in the correct order!


Gwneud penderfyniadau synhwyrol i gadw’n ddiogel a gwybod ble i droi am gymorth / Make sensible decisions to keep safe and know where to turn for support

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Well-being

bu plant blywddyn 1 yn mwynahu ei goers jigsaw yr wythnos yma. Boom yn dysgu bwysigrwydd o gymryd tro.

Year 1 enjoyed their Jigsaw lesson today as they concentrated on the aspect o taking turns to do an activity.

Mêts darllen / Reading buddies

Trio fy ngorau glas ym mhob tasg / Try my best in every task

Defnyddio fy sgiliau i gwblhau tasgau / Use my skills to complete tasks

Cyfathrebu yn dda / Converse well

Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu / Language, Literacy and Communication

Bu blwyddyn 1 yn ffodus i gael plant blwyddyn 6 i laer i’r dosbarth er mwyn hybu ei medrau darllen mewn ffordd hwylus.

Year 1 were fortunate to have year 6 down to the classroom in order to better their reading standard in a fun way.

Gemau buarth/ Playground games

Gwneud penderfyniadau synhwyrol i gadw’n ddiogel a gwybod ble i droi am gymorth / Make sensible decisions to keep safe and know where to turn for support.

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Well-being

Fe wnaeth blwyddyn 1 cael y cyfle yr wythnos hon i gydweithio gyda Menter Abertawe i ddysgu/ymarfer gemau buarth trwy gyfrwng y Cymraeg.

Year 1 were fortunate to work with ‘Menter Abertawe’. They had the opportunity to learn and practice with Yard games through the medium of Welsh.

Cychod Ffoil / Foil Boats

Gweithio fel rhan o dîm / Working as a team

Mae gen i syniadau da ac rwy’n medru eu defnyddio mewn modd effeithiol / I have good ideas and I can use them effectively

Trawsgwricwlaidd / Cross-Curricular

Blwyddyn 2 yn mynd ati i greu a pharatoi cychod allan o ffoil i arnofio ar ddŵr.

Year 2 creating and preparing boats out of foil to float on water.

Helen Elliott

Gwneud y gorau o bob cyfle / Make the best of every opportunity

Defnyddio fy sgiliau yn fy ngwaith / Use my skills in my work

Mentro yn bwyllog / Venture calmly

Defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Use my knowledge and skills to create something new

Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts

Blwyddyn 3 wrthi yn efelychu gwaith arlunydd Helen Elliott o arfordiroedd Cymru.

Year 3 enjoyed simulating Helen Elliott’s art of Welsh coastlines.

Gemau Buarth / Playground Games

Trio fy ngorau glas ym mhob tasg / Try my best in every task

Defnyddio fy sgiliau i gwblhau tasgau / Use my skills to complete tasks

Cyfathrebu yn dda / Converse well

Gofyn cwestiynau er mwyn datrys problemau / Ask questions to solve problems

Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu / Language, Literacy and Communication

Ymwelodd Menter Iaith â’r ysgol i gyflwyno’r disgyblion i gemau Cymraeg y gallant eu chwarae ar y buarth. Roedd blwyddyn 3 yn mwynhau chwarae ‘cath, cath, llygoden’ a dilyn cyfarwyddiadau wrth chwarae gyda’r parasiwt.

Menter Iaith visited the school to introduce the pupils to Welsh games that they can play on the playground. Year 3 enjoyed playing ‘duck, duck, goose’ and following instructions whilst playing with the parachute.