Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol sy’n:
- cysylltu a chymhwyso eu gwybodaeth a’u sgiliau i greu syniadau a chynhyrchion;
- meddwl mewn ffordd greadigol i ail-lunio a datrys problemau;
- nodi ac yn cymryd mantais o gyfleoedd;
- mentro’n bwyllog;
Enterprising, creative contributors who:
- connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products;
- think creatively to reframe and solve problems;
- identify and grasp opportunities;
- take measured risks;

Cawsom amser ffantastig ar ein hymweliad diweddar i safle Llys Nini wrth gael diwrnod llawn hwyl gyda nifer o weithgareddau ysgol goedwig. Yn un sesiwn cafodd y plant cyfle i arbrofi gyda chlai a chreu folcano, cyd-weithio wrth greu llwybrau a dringo ar rwydi, datrys problemau, chwarae rôl yn y gegin fwd a llawer fwy. Yn sesiwn arall cafodd y plant mynd am dro o amgylch y goedwig, dysgu am wahanol anifeiliaid a thrychfilod yn yr ardal, dysgu am y coed, gwrando ar y byd natur, casglu afalau, chwarae cuddio a cheisio dod o hyd i’r ffordd allan trwy’r ddrysfa helyg, am helynt hwyl a sbri!
We had a fantastic time on our recent visit to the Llys Nini site having a fun filled day with a number of forest school activities. In one session the children had the opportunity to experiment with clay and create a volcano, work together to create paths and climb on nets, solve problems, role play in the mud kitchen and much more. In another session the children went for a walk around the forest, learning about different animals and insects in the area, learning about the trees, listening to the nature sounds, picking apples, playing hide and seek and trying to find the way out through the willow maze, what fun and excitement!