- deall ac ystyried effaith eu gweithredoedd wrth wneud dewisiadau a gweithredu;
- wybodus am eu diwylliant, eu cymuned, eu cymdeithas a’r byd, yn awr ac yn y gorffennol;
- are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past;
- understand and consider the impact of their actions when making choices and acting;

Ymweliad arall gan arwr lleol, daeth Siân o’r RNLI i mewn i siarad â’r plant am gadw’n ddiogel ar y dŵr, mewn cychod ac ar draethau. Dangosodd y cit ac yr oedd y plant wrth eu bodd yn cael tro gwisgo arno. Mae gennym ychydig o achubwyr bywyd y dyfodol ar ein dwylo.
Another visit from a local hero, Siân from the RNLI came in to talk to the children about keeping safe on the water, in boats and on beaches. She showed the kit and the children were delighted to have a turn wearing it. We have a few future lifeguards on our hands.