gosod safonau uchel i’w hunain, yn edrych am ac yn mwynhau her;
adeiladu sylfaen o wybodaeth ac yn meddu’r sgiliau i gysylltu a chymhwyso’r wybodaeth honno o fewn testunau gwahanol;
holi ac yn mwynhau datrys problemau;
gallu cyfathrebu’n effeithiol mewn gwahanol ffurfiau a lleoliadau, gan ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg;
Ambitious, capable learners who:
set themselves high standards and seek and enjoy challenge;
are building up a body of knowledge and have the skills to connect and apply that knowledge in different contexts;
are questioning and enjoy solving problems;
can communicate effectively in different forms and settings, using both Welsh and English;

Mae’r plant wedi bod yn mwynhau amrywiaeth o weithgareddau mesur yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf. Maent wedi bod yn defnyddio unedau ansafonol er mwyn mesur eu hun a’i ffrindiau, cofnodi eu canfyddiadau yn ffurf tabl.
The children have been enjoying a variety of measuring activities in recent weeks. They have been using non-standard units in order to measure themselves and their friends, recording their findings in table form.