Rydyn ni wedi cymysgu hadau gwair gyda phridd ac wedi plannu mewn i hosanau, maen nhw’n tyfu’n araf fel lindys blewog.
We have mixed grass seeds with soil and planted them in stockings, they grow slowly like hairy caterpillars.
Rydyn ni wedi cymysgu hadau gwair gyda phridd ac wedi plannu mewn i hosanau, maen nhw’n tyfu’n araf fel lindys blewog.
We have mixed grass seeds with soil and planted them in stockings, they grow slowly like hairy caterpillars.
Unigolion iach, hyderus sy’n:
cadernid ac empathi;
corfforol a meddyliol yn eu bywydau bob dydd;
Healthy, confident individuals who:
Yn ystod y flwyddyn rydym wedi bod yn dysgu am wahanol Grefyddau. Yn nhymor y Gwanwyn, edrychon ar y Grefydd Bwdhaeth felly rydym wedi bod yn dysgu gwahanol symudiadau Ioga sydd wedi deillio o’r Grefydd Bwdhaeth.
During the year we have been learning about different Religions. In the Spring term, we looked at the Buddhism Religion so we have been learning different Yoga movements that have been derived from the Buddhism Religion.
Mae’r plant wedi bod llawn cyffro wrth groesawi ein lindys i’r dosbarthiadau Derbyn yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at arsylwi ar ddatblygiad y lindys a’u gweld yn tyfu. Gofynnwch i’ch plant am y lindys a sut maent yn tyfu.
The children have been full of excitement in welcoming our caterpillars to the Reception classes the past weeks. We are looking forward to observing the development of the caterpillars and seeing them grow. Ask your children about the caterpillars, what can they tell you about their development.
Mae e wedi bod yn bleser croesawi’r plant yn ôl ar ôl y gwyliau Pasg a chlywed am ei hanturiaethau. Rydym wedi dechrau thema newydd sef ‘Pryfaid a phlanhigion Penlan’. Rydym wedi bod yn ffocysu ar waith cymesuredd yn y Fathemateg yr wythnos yma wrth greu nifer o batrymau cymesuredd ar pili palod gwahanol. Mae pawb wedi bod yn ymarfer ffurfio llythrennau a geiriau wrth dwyn i gof am y gwyliau.
It has been a pleasure to welcome the children back after the Easter holidays and hear about their adventures. We have started a new theme which is 'Penlan insects and plants'. We have been focusing on symmetry work in Maths this week while creating a number of symmetry patterns on different butterflies. Everyone has been practicing forming letters and words while recalling about the holidays.
Mae’r plant wedi bod wrth eu boddau yn chwilio am drychfilod a gwisgo lan wythnos diwethaf. Rydym wedi bod yn dysgu enwau’r trychfilod gwahanol yn y Gymraeg ac yn cyfatebu lluniau gyda’r enwau. Fe fyddwn yn gwneud nifer o weithgareddau tu allan y tymor yma felly sicrhewch fod cot law ac esgidiau addas gyda’ch plentyn pob dydd.
The children have loved looking for insects and dressing up last week. We have been learning the names of the different insects in Welsh and matching pictures with the names. We will be doing numerous activities in the outdoor area this term so please ensure your child has a riant coat and suitable footwear every day.
We still take advantage of every opportunity to practice our number and letter formation. The children can use number lines or flash cards and follow them. We can use the interactive screen, small whiteboards, paper and pencil, chalk, paint brush and glitter / flour. Practicing forming numbers and letters and writing words is extremely important to the children’s development during the first years at school. What kind of shaping exercise have you been doing at home? Let us know by sharing a photo on your child’s Hwb account.
We have been looking at words that rhyme. Many of the words from Tric a Chlic rhyme.
Can the children find them?
Can they write them down?
Can they read and recite them out loud?
Yn ystod y thema yma sydd gyd am wahanol liwiau, roedd y plant wir wedi mwynhau arbrofi gyda’ blociau o baent oedd wedi rhewi. Roedd y plant yn defnyddio’r blociau er mwyn arbrofi cymysgu lliwiau mewn gwahanol ffyrdd.
During this theme which is all about different colours, the children really enjoyed experimenting with frozen blocks of paint. The children used the blocks to experiment with mixing colours in different ways.
Mae’r plant wedi bod yn mwynhau amrywiaeth o weithgareddau mesur yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf. Maent wedi bod yn defnyddio unedau ansafonol er mwyn mesur eu hun a’i ffrindiau, cofnodi eu canfyddiadau yn ffurf tabl.
The children have been enjoying a variety of measuring activities in recent weeks. They have been using non-standard units in order to measure themselves and their friends, recording their findings in table form.