Barcud Llew Siciaeth



Dinasyddion moesol, gwybodus sy’n:

•wybodus am eu diwylliant, eu cymuned, eu cymdeithas a’r byd, yn awr ac yn y gorffennol;

•parchu anghenion a hawliau pobl eraill, fel aelod o gymdeithas;

      Ethical, informed citizens who:

•are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past;

•respect the needs and rights of others, as a member of a diverse society;

Ar ôl trafod y Grefydd Siciaeth a dysgu fod yr anifail llew yn arbennig iddyn, penderfynom ar y cyd i greu rhywbeth gyda llew.  Roedd y plant wrth eu boddau wrth greu barcud gyda llew arnynt a chael y cyfle i’w hedfan allan ar y cae.  Lwcus I ni, cawsom dywydd gwyntog iawn. 

After discussing the Sikhism Religion and learning that the lion animal is special to them, we decided together to create something with a lion. The children were delighted to create a kite with a lion on it and have the opportunity to fly it out on the field. Lucky for us, we had very windy weather.

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