Diwedd cyfnod hapus yn y Derbyn, dymunwn pob lwc enfawr i’r plant i gyd ym Mlwyddyn 1! A happy end to Reception, we wish all the children the best of luck in Year 1!
Monthly Archives: July 2023
Picnic Haf y Derbyn
Wythnos yma mae’r plant wedi bod yn brysur yn paratoi ar gyfer ein picnic. Roeddent i gyd wedi llwyddo ysgrifennu rhestr o beth hoffent ddod i’r picnic a chreu gwahoddiadau.
Rydym wedi bod yn coginio cacennau bach, gwneud jeli coch, creu brechdanau a chwarae gemau.
This week the children have been busy preparing for our picnic. They had all managed to write a list of what they would like to bring to the picnic and create invitations.
We have been cooking cupcakes, making red jelly, creating sandwiches and playing games.
Creu jeli
Paratoi cacennau bach
Paratoi brechdanau ar gyfer y picnic
Mwynhau yn y picnic
Mabolgampau y Derbyn
Unigolion iach, hyderus sy’n:
- meddu ar werthoedd cryf ac yn sefydlu eu credoau
moesol ac ysbrydol; - adeiladu eu lles meddyliol ac emosiynol trwy ddatblygu hyder,
cadernid ac empathi;
- cymhwyso gwybodaeth am effaith deiet ac ymarfer corff ar iechyd
corfforol a meddyliol yn eu bywydau bob dydd;
Healthy, confident individuals who:
- have secure values and are establishing their spiritual and ethical beliefs;
- are building their mental and emotional well-being by developing confidence, resilience and empathy;
- apply knowledge about the impact of diet and exercise on physical and mental health in their daily lives;
Mabolgampau y Derbyn. Cafodd y plant i gyd amser arbennig yn cymryd rhan yn y mabolgampau yn ddiweddar. Cymerodd plant rhan yn rhas wy ar lwy, rhas gwibio, rhas sach a rhas hwyl! The Reception class sports day. The children all had had a great time taking part in our recent sports day. The children took part in an egg and spoon race, sprint race, sack race and a fun race.
Ymweliad Ysgol Goedwig Llys Nini / Llys Nini Forest School Visit
Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol sy’n:
- cysylltu a chymhwyso eu gwybodaeth a’u sgiliau i greu syniadau a chynhyrchion;
- meddwl mewn ffordd greadigol i ail-lunio a datrys problemau;
- nodi ac yn cymryd mantais o gyfleoedd;
- mentro’n bwyllog;
Enterprising, creative contributors who:
- connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products;
- think creatively to reframe and solve problems;
- identify and grasp opportunities;
- take measured risks;
Cawsom amser ffantastig ar ein hymweliad diweddar i safle Llys Nini wrth gael diwrnod llawn hwyl gyda nifer o weithgareddau ysgol goedwig. Yn un sesiwn cafodd y plant cyfle i arbrofi gyda chlai a chreu folcano, cyd-weithio wrth greu llwybrau a dringo ar rwydi, datrys problemau, chwarae rôl yn y gegin fwd a llawer fwy. Yn sesiwn arall cafodd y plant mynd am dro o amgylch y goedwig, dysgu am wahanol anifeiliaid a thrychfilod yn yr ardal, dysgu am y coed, gwrando ar y byd natur, casglu afalau, chwarae cuddio a cheisio dod o hyd i’r ffordd allan trwy’r ddrysfa helyg, am helynt hwyl a sbri!
We had a fantastic time on our recent visit to the Llys Nini site having a fun filled day with a number of forest school activities. In one session the children had the opportunity to experiment with clay and create a volcano, work together to create paths and climb on nets, solve problems, role play in the mud kitchen and much more. In another session the children went for a walk around the forest, learning about different animals and insects in the area, learning about the trees, listening to the nature sounds, picking apples, playing hide and seek and trying to find the way out through the willow maze, what fun and excitement!
Breichled mala Siciaeth
Dinasyddion moesol, gwybodus sy’n:
•wybodus am eu diwylliant, eu cymuned, eu cymdeithas a’r byd, yn awr ac yn y gorffennol;
•parchu anghenion a hawliau pobl eraill, fel aelod o gymdeithas;
Ethical, informed citizens who:
•are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past;
•respect the needs and rights of others, as a member of a diverse society;
Rydym wedi bod yn trafod y grefydd Siciaeth yn y dosbarth ac rydym wedi gleinio a dilyn patrwm i greu breichled mala Siciaeth, maent yn edrych yn hyfryd.
We have been discussing the Sikhism religion in class and we have beaded and followed a pattern to create a Sikhism mala bracelet, they look lovely.
Dwli darllen
Mae’r dosbarth Derbyn yn mwynhau darllen yn eu hamser dewis rhydd.
The Reception class enjoy reading during their free choice time.
Creu ein Bwgan brain
Cyfranwyr mentrus a chreadigol sy’n
cysylltu ac addasu gwybodaeth i greu pethau newydd
Enterprising , creative contributors who
connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products
Cafodd y dosbarth Derbyn hwyl yr wythnos yma yn creu Bwganod brain allan o amryw o ddefnyddiau.
The Reception class had fun this week creating Scarecrows out of various materials.
Cymhwysedd digidol
Mae’r dosbarth Derbyn wedi bod yn datblygu eu sgiliau digidol wrth ddefnyddio’r llechen i dynnu llun ac yna eu uwchlwytho i’w cyfrifon HWB.
The Reception class have been developing their digital skills using the iPads to take pictures and then upload them to their HWB accounts.
Datrys problem
Cyfranwyr mentrys a chreadigol sy’n
gweithio fel rhan o dîm drwy feddwl mewn ffordd greadigol er mwyn datrys problemau mewn gwahanol ffyrdd
Enterprising , creative contributors who
work as a team by thinking creatively to solve problems
Allwch chi groesi’r buarth heb gyffwrdd y llawr? Buodd dosbarthiadau y Derbyn yn gweithio fel tîm i oroesi a datrys y broblem.
Can you cross the yard without touching the floor? The Reception classes worked as a team to overcome and solve the problem.
Y Bwgan brain
Unigolion iach, hyderus sy’n
hyderus i berfformio
Healthy, confident individuals who
have the confidence to participate in performance
Rydym wedi bod yn brysur yn dysgu’r gan Y Bwgan brain yr wythnos hon ac wedi cael y cyfle i’w pherfformio yn ein gwasanaeth wythnosol.
We have been busy learning the Scarecrow song this week and we had the chance to perform the song in our weekly assembly.