Gweithio fel rhan o dîm / Working as a part of a team
Creu syniadau mewn gwahanol ffyrdd / Generate ideas in different ways
Bod yn arweinydd a gadael i eraill arwain / Be a leader and let others lead
Defnyddio gwybodaeth a sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Use knowledge and skills to create something new
Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts
Mwynhaodd blwyddyn 3 eu sesiwn ddawns lle cawsant gyfleoedd i drafod a dysgu geirfa newydd. Mynegasant eu teimladau a’u syniadau mewn gwahanol ffyrdd. Yn sicr cafodd y sesiwn effaith gadarnhaol ar eu hiechyd. Yn ystod y sesiwn dysgon nhw i deithio mewn gwahanol ffyrdd ac ar wahanol gyflymderau. Bydd y sgiliau hyn yn cael eu hymgorffori i greu dawns yn seiliedig ar eu thema ‘Teithio’.
Year 3 enjoyed their dance session where they had opportunities to discuss and learn new vocabulary. They expressed their feelings and ideas in different ways. The session certainly had a positive impact on their health. During the session they learnt to travel in various ways and at different speeds. These skills will be incorporated to create a dance based on their theme ‘Transport’.