Defnyddio gwybodaeth i helpu dod i farn / Use information to help make a judgement
Gwybod fod gen i hawliau a chyfrifoldebau / Know that I have rights and responsibilities
Dysgu am y byd o fy nghwmpas / Learn about the world around me
Parchu pob aelod o gymdeithas / Respect all members of society
Gofalu am ein byd / Take care of the world
Dyniaethau / Humanities

Fel rhan o ‘Dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth’, mae’r disgyblion wedi bod yn cwblhau gweithgareddau amrywiol ac wedi gwisgo coch i gefnogi’r achos.
As part of ‘Show racism the red card’, the pupils have been completing various activities and worn red to support the cause.