Defnyddio fy nhwerthoedd i wneud penderfyniadau doeth / Use my values to make wise decisions
Dysgu am y byd o fy nghwmpas (diwylliant, cymuned, a chymdeithas) nawr ac yn y gorffennol / Learn about the world around me (culture, community and society) now and in the past
Parchu pob aelod o gymdeithas / Respect all members of society
Deall ein bod ni i gyd yn wahanol ond yn gyfartal / Understand that we are all different but equal
Trawsgwricwlaidd / Cross Curricular

Mwynhaodd dosbarth blwyddyn 3 Mrs Davies ddarllen y Beibl a dysgu am greu’r byd. Nodasant eiriau sy’n gysylltiedig รข Christnogaeth a dylunio croes yn seiliedig ar greadigaeth y byd.
Mrs Davies’ year 3 class enjoyed reading the Bible and learning about the creation of the world. They noted words that are associated with Christianity and designed a cross based on the creation of the world.