Category Archives: News

Cracio’r côd/ Code Cracking

Gwaneth y plant gosod safonau uchel i’w hunain, yn edrych am ac yn mwynhau her / The children set themselves high standards and seek and enjoy challenge

Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy

Bu’r plant yn brysur heddiw yn datrys problemau cracio cod, fe ddefnyddiwyd amrywiaeth wrthrychau yn y dosbarth i helpu ddatrys y broblem.

The children were busy today solving code cracking problems, a variety of objects were used in class to help solve the problem.

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen. Saint Dwynwen’s day

Cysylltu a chymhwyso eu gwybodaeth a’u sgiliau i greu syniadau a chynhyrchion / Connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products

Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts

Bu’r plant yn dysgu am hanes Santes Dwynwen ar yr 25.1.23 ac o ganlyniad penderfynnon fel dosbarth i greu cardiau er mwyn dathlu’r diwrnod.

The children learned about the history of Saint Dwynwen on 25.1.23 and as a result they decided as a class to create cards to celebrate the day.

Gwaith Geiriadur / Dictionary Work

Trio fy ngorau ym mhob tasg / Try my best in every task

Defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau i gwblhau tasgau / Use my knowledge and skills to complete a task

Gofyn cwestiynau er mwyn datrys problemau / Ask questions to help solve problems

Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology

Mae blwyddyn 3 wedi mwynhau datblygu eu sgiliau geiriadur i ddarganfod ystyr eu geiriau arbrawf Gwyddoniaeth.

Year 3 have enjoyed developing their dictionary skills to find the meaning of their Science experiment words.

Ffracsiynau / Fractions


Defnyddio’r hyn rwy’n ei ddysgu mewn gwahanol sefyllfaoedd / Use what I learn in different situations

Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy

Blwyddyn 2 yn cydweithio i chwarae gêm cyfateb ffracsiynau!

Year 2 working together to complete and match the fractions.

Wythnos Ysbrydoli/ Inspiration Week

Cymhwyso gwybodaeth am effaith deiet ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol yn eu bywydau bob dydd/ Apply knowledge about the impact of diet on physical and mental health in their daily lives.

Rhoi eu hegni a’u sgiliau fel y gall eraill elwa ac yn barod i chwarae rhan lawn mewn bywyd a gwaith/ Give of their energy and skills so that other people will benefit and are ready to play a full part in life and work.

Iechyd a Lles/ Health and Wellbeing

Iaith a Llythrennedd/ Language and Communication

Cafodd Blwyddyn 1 amser gwych yn cychwyn y thema newydd , ‘Bwydydd Blasus’. Cymerwyd y cyfle i flasu ffrwythau, creu dilyniant patrymau a chwarae gemau a oedd yn hybu geirfa thematig.

Year 1 had an excellent time when the new theme was introduced, ‘Delicious Food’. We took the opportunity to taste various fruit, created consecutive patterns and played games that would promote thematic vocabulary.

Blwyddyn Newydd Tsieineaidd / Chinese New Year

Defnyddio gwybodaeth a sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Use knowledge and skills to create something new

Gwneud y gorau o bob cyfle / Make the most of every opportunity

Cymryd risgiau synhwyrol i wneud rhywbeth yn well / Taking sensible risks to make something better

Cyfleu syniadau mewn gwahanol ffyrdd / Convey ideas in different ways

Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts

Mwynhaodd blwyddyn 3 Mrs Davies ddysgu am y Flwyddyn Newydd Tsieineaidd a pha draddodiadau sydd gan y Tsieineaid ar yr adeg arbennig hon o’r flwyddyn. I ddathlu, datblygon nhw eu sgiliau creadigol trwy greu draig Tsieineaidd.

Mrs Davies’ year 3 enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year and what traditions the Chinese have at this special time of year. To celebrate, they developed their creative skills by creating a Chinese dragon.


Gweithio fel rhan o dîm / Working as part of a team

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Well-being

Mwynhaodd blwyddyn 3 eu sesiwn Sgiliau wythnos yma lle buont yn gweithio fel tîm i ddilyn cyfarwyddiadau. Roedd y parasiwt yn hwyl!

Year 3 enjoyed their Sgiliau session this week where they worked as a team to follow instructions. The parachute was fun!


Defnyddio fy ngwerthoedd i wneud penderfyniadau doeth / Use my values to make wise decisions

Parchu pob aelod o gymdeithas / Respect all members of society

Gofalu am hawliau pob plentyn / Care for the rights of all children

Ceisio helpu eraill / Try to help others

Deall sut i drin eraill / Understand how to treat others

Gofalu am fy hun ac yn dangos caredigrwydd at eraill / Taking care of myself and showing kindness to others

Gwneud penderfyniadau synhwyrol i gadw’n ddiogel a gwybod ble i droi am gymorth / Make sensible decisions to stay safe and know where to turn for help

Gwneud a chadw ffrindiau oherwydd fy mod i’n eu parchu / Make and keep friends because I respect them

Ffurfio perthnasau cadarnhaol / Form positive relationships

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Well-being

Disgyblion blwyddyn 3 Mrs Davies wedi mwynhau eu sesiwn Jigsaw. Buom yn trafod pwysigrwydd parch a pha mor bwysig yw gwneud eraill deimlo bod croeso iddynt.

Mrs Davies’ year 3 class enjoyed their Jigsaw well-being session. We discussed the importance of respect and how important it is to make others feel welcome.

Wythnos Ysbrydoliaeth / Inspiration week

Cymhwyso gwybodaeth am effaith deiet ac ymarfer corff ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol yn eu bywydau bob dydd / Apply knowledge about the impact of diet and exercise on physical and mental health in their daily lives

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Well-being

Cafodd blwyddyn 1 y cyfle i blasu ffrwythau gwahanol yr wythnos hon wrth ein bod yn dysgu am bwysigrwydd bwyta’n iach.

Year1 had the opportunity to taste new fruits this week while learning how important it is to eat healthily.