Category Archives: News

PaSg HaPuS / HaPpY eAsTeR

Defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Use my knowledge and skills to create something new

Gwneud y gorau o bob cyfle / Make the most of every opportunity

Defnyddio fy sgiliau yn fy ngwaith ac yn fy chwarae / Use my skills in my work and play

Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Creative Arts

Ar ôl darllen hanes y Pasg a sut yr atgyfododd Iesu Grist, penderfynodd blwyddyn 3 greu carden wy Pasg oherwydd bod wyau yn arwydd o fywyd newydd.

After reading the story of Easter and how Jesus resurrected, year 3 decided to create Easter egg cards because eggs are a sign of new life.

Ymarfer corff / Physical education

Meddu ar y sgiliau a’r wybodaeth i reoli eu bywydau bob dydd mor annibynnol ag sy’n bosibl / Have the skills and knowledge to manage everyday life as independently as they can

Mae’r plant wedi bod yn ymarfer ei sgiliau llygaid llaw y pythefnos yma.Buom yn gwneud hyn wrth ddefnyddio bagiau ffa i ddal ac i daflu.

The children have been working on their hand eye co -ordination this fortnight. They have been practising this skill by using bean bags within our PE lesson.

Ffrwythau Ffab! / Fantastic Fruit!

Trio fy ngorau glas ym mhob tasg / Try my best in every task

Trafod fy ngwaith / Discuss my work

Egluro’r hyn rwyf wedi ei ddysgu / Explain what I have learnt

Trawsgwricwlaidd / Cross Curricular

Mae blwyddyn 3 wedi mwynhau blasu gwahanol ffrwythau i benderfynu pa rai sydd orau i greu smwddi ar gyfer eu harbrawf Gwyddoniaeth. Mwynheuon nhw greu wynebau cymesur gyda’r ffrwyth cyn bwyta pob darn.

Year 3 have enjoyed tasting different fruit to decide which are best to create a smoothie for their Science experiment. They enjoyed creating symmetrical faces with the fruit before devouring every piece.

Mesur Cynhwysedd / Measuring Volume

Defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau i gwblhau tasgau / Using my knowledge and skills to complete tasks

Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy

Disgyblion blwyddyn 2 yn joio mas draw wrth fesur cynhwysedd yn y dosbarth! Dyma’r disgyblion yn esgus bod yr hylif yn hylif hudol! Cyn mynd ati i fesur, penderfynodd y disgyblion i feddwl am enwau hudol ar gyfer pob hylif!

Year 2 pupils enjoying themselves as they measure volume in the class. The pupils pretended that the liquid was magic! Before measuring, they decided to think of magical names for every liquid!

Y Dyn Bach Sinsir / The Little Gingerbread Man

Fod yn ymholgar a mwynhau datrys problemau / Be inquisitive and enjoy solving problems

Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu / Language, Literacy and Communication

Disgyblion blwyddyn dau yn paru’r cymariaethau cywir gyda’r frawddeg gywir i ddisgrifio digwyddiadau o stori’r Dyn Bach Sinsir.

Year two pupils match the correct comparisons with the correct sentence to describe events from the Little Gingerbread Man story.

Sul y mamau/Mothers’ day

Cysylltu a chymhwyso eu gwybodaeth a’u sgiliau i greu syniadau a chynhyrchio/ Connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products

Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts

Ar ôl i’r plant gael hanes o ble a pam cychwynwyd y traddodiad o ddathlu sul y mamau. Cawson cyfle i greu carde ar gyfer menyw sydd wedi cael dylanwad ar ei bywyd i ddweud diolch.

After the children learnt the story of where and why the tradition of celebrating Mother’s Day was started. They had the opportunity to create a card for a woman that has an impact on their lives to say thankyou.

Masnach deg/ Fairtrade

Deall ac ystyried effaith eu gweithredoedd wrth wneud dewisiadau a gweithredu / Engage with contemporary issues based upon their knowledge and values

Dyniaethau / Humanities

Mae’r plant wedi bod yn brysuryn dysgu am materion masnach deg. Mae’nt wedi bod yn dysgu am taith y banana. O ganlyniad mae’nt wedi bod yn tyfu a creu coed ei hun yn y tuff tray.

The children have been learning about the issues surrounding Fair trade. They have also been learning about the journey of the bananas. They then decided they wanted to make/plant banana trees within the Tuff tray.

Tric a chlic

Gosod safonau uchel i’w hunain/ Set high standards forthemselves 

Iaith a Llythrennedd / Language and Communication

Mae’r plant wedi bod yn gweitho yn galed yr wythnos hon ar ddysgu geiriau newydd o fewn ein sesiynau tric a chlic.

The children have been busy this week learning new words within our Tric a chlic sessions.