Chwarae Gyda Synau / Playing With Sounds

Defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Using my knowledge and skills to create something new

Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology

Blwyddyn 2 yn profi sain trwy ddefnyddio gwahanol wrthrychau yn y dosbarth. Roedden nhw’n chwilfrydig iawn i glywed synau gwahanol!

Year 2 testing different sounds by using different objects found within the classroom. They were curious and intrigued to hear different sounds coming from different objects!

Diwrnod Ysbrydoli Thema / Theme Inspired Day

Defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Using my knowledge and skills to create something new

Gwneud y gorau o bob cyfle / Making the most of every opportunity

Defnyddio fy sgiliau yn fy ngwaith ac yn fy chwarae / Using my skills in my work and play

Trawsgwricwlaidd / Cross-curricular

Disgyblion blwyddyn 2 yn mwynhau cymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau hudol yn gysylltiedig â’n thema ‘Cawlach a Chymysgedd!’

Year 2 pupils enjoying as they take part in a variety of magical activities related to our new term theme ‘Cawlach a Chymysgedd!’

Gwyddoniaeth Gwyllt / Mad Science

Defnyddio gwybodaeth a sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Using knowledge and skills to create new things

Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology

Diolch yn fawr iawn i Rhys o Wyddoniaeth Gwyllt am ddod i mewn i ysbrydoli holl ddisgyblion CC2 ar gyfer ein thema. Dysgon nhw am adweithiau cemegol sydd wedi eu hysbrydoli i greu diod hud eu hunain.

A big thank you to Rhys from Mad Science for coming in to inspire all the pupils in PS2 for our theme. They learnt about chemical reactions which has inspired them to create their own potions.

Creu Sain / Creating Sound

Defnyddio fy sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Use my skills to create something new

Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology

Mae dosbarth Blwyddyn 3 Mrs Davies wedi mwynhau arbrofi gydag offerynnau cerdd yn fawr iawn heddiw. Buont yn trafod sut mae sain yn cael ei gynhyrchu a bod sain yn dirgrynu er mwyn i ni ei glywed. Fe wnaethon nhw greu eu band taro bach eu hunain hefyd.

Mrs Davies’ Year 3 class have thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with musical instruments today. They discussed how sound was produced and that sound vibrates in order for us to hear it. They also created their own little percussion band.

Wythnos Ysbrydoli / Inspiration Week

Dangos fy syniadau a’n emosiynau drwy wahanol gyfyngau / Show my ideas and our emotions through different intervals

Mae gen i syniadau da ac rwy’n medru eu defnyddio mewn modd effeithiol / I have good ideas and I can use them effectively

Trawsgwricwlaidd / Cross-Curricular

Mae dosbarth Blwyddyn 3 Mrs Davies wedi mwynhau edrych ar lyfrau gwahanol i’w hysbrydoli ar gyfer eu thema nesaf. Maen nhw’n edrych ymlaen at greu eu swynion eu hunain! Maen nhw wedi trafod beth maen nhw’n ei wybod yn barod a beth hoffen nhw ei wybod. Fe wnaethon nhw fwynhau gwylio Harry Potter sydd wedi eu hysbrydoli i greu eu gwrachod a’u dewiniaid eu hunain ar gyfer eu hysgrifennu creadigol.

Mrs Davies’ Year 3 class have enjoyed looking at various potion and scientific books to inspire them for their next theme. They’re looking forward to creating their own spells! They’ve discussed what they already know and what they’d like to know. They enjoyed watching Harry Potter which has inspired them to create their own witches and wizards for their creative writing.

Diwrnod ‘Gwrachod a Dewiniaid’. ‘Witches and Wizards’ Day.

Mynegi eu syniadau ac emosiynau trwy gyfryngau gwahanol / Express ideas and emotions through different media

Meysydd Trawsgwricwlaidd/ Cross-curricular themes

Dyma Blwyddyn 1 yn derbyn ysybrydoliaeth am ein thema newydd, ‘Cawlach a Chymysgwch’. Gwisgon ni i fyny fel gwrachod a dewiniaid. Cawsom gyfle i greu hudlath, creu swynion, blasu melysion. Diwrnod o fwynhau llwyr!

Here Year 1 are finding inspiration on our new theme, ‘Potions.’ We dressed up as witches and wizards. We created magical wands, created potions and tasted some sweet things. We all had a fantastic day!

Taith Nadolig / Christmas Trip

Gweithio ac yn chwarae mewn tîm / Work and play as a team

Trawsgwricwlaidd / Cross-Curricular

Mwynhaodd yr holl ddisgyblion eu hamser yng Nghanolfan Dreftadaeth Gwyr lle buont yn ymweld â Sion Corn, yn cymryd rhan mewn helfa corrachod, yn creu addurn coeden a bwyd ar gyfer Rwdolff, yn gweld ffilm theatraidd o Sion Corn yng Ngwlad Hud ac yn cymryd rhan mewn ras hwyaid. Cafwyd amser da gan bawb!

All pupils enjoyed their time at the Gower Heritage Centre where they visited Santa, took part in an elf hunt, created a tree ornament and food for Rudolph, saw a theatrical film of Santa in Wonderland and took part in a duck race. A good time was had by all!

Diwrnod Siwmper Nadolig / Christmas Jumper Day

Dysgu am y byd o fy nghwmpas / Learn about the world around me

Gofalu am ein byd / Take care of our world

Ceisio helpu eraill / Help others

Dyniaethau / Humanities

Mor wych oedd gweld y plant i gyd yn eu siwmperi Nadolig. Dysgon nhw ein bod ni’n eu gwisgo i gefnogi’r elusen Save the Children.

How wonderful it was to see all the children in their Christmas jumpers. They learnt that we wear them to support the charity Save the Children.