Mae’r plant wedi bod yn chwilfrydig ac wedi gwneud awgrymiadau am ymholiadau posib, ac wedi gofyn ac ymateb i ystod o gwestiynau yn ystod gwersi awyr agored.
The children have been curious and have made suggestions about possible enquiries, and have asked and responded to a range of questions during outdoor learning .
Dyniaethau / Humanities

Bu blwyddyn 1 yn mantesio a mwynhau ymuno a wythnos dysgu awyr agored. bu’r plant yn mynd ati i adeiladu cuddfan with ddefnyddio nwyddau naturiol. yn ogytsal bu’r plant yn creu lluniau allan o adnoddau naturiol.
Year 1 took advantage and enjoyed joining in outdoor learning week. The children set about building a hideout using natural products. In addition the children created pictures out of natural resources.