Defnyddio gwybodaeth i helpu dod i farn. / Use information to help form a judgement.
Deall bod fy marn yn bwysig. / Understand that my opinion is important.
Rhannu fy marn gydag eraill. / Share my opinion with others.
Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu / Language, Literacy and Communication

Mwynhaodd disgyblion Blwyddyn 2 Mr Hutchings mynegi barn am ddatganiadau o dan y môr. Trafodom sefyllfaoedd dynol a naturiol mae creaduriaid y môr yn delio gydag yn eu cynefinoedd.
Mr Hutchings’ Year 2 pupils enjoyed expressing opinions about statements under the sea. We discussed man made and natural situations that sea creatures deal with in their habitats.