Adeiladu sylfaen o wybodaeth ac yn meddu’r sgiliau i gysylltu a chymhwyso’r wybodaeth honno o fewn testunau gwahanol / Are building up a body of knowledge and have the skills to connect and apply that knowledge in different contexts
Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy

Dyma plant blwyddyn 1 yn cymryd rhan mewn sesiwn maths actif. Bu’r plant yn gyntaf yn trefnu rhifau ar linell gwag o fewn amser penodol fel grwp. yna cawson y cyfle i chwarae gêm trysor, Cawson ras i weld pwy oedd yn gallu mynd a’r nifer mwyaf o drysor. roedd rhaid yna cyfri y nife ro trysor a oedd yn ei cylch a a trefnu nifer cafodd pob grwp.
Here are the year 1 children taking part in an active maths session. The children first arranged numbers on an empty line within a certain time frame as a group. They then had the opportunity to play a treasure game, We had a race to see who could take the most treasure.They then had to count the number of treasure that was in every circle and organise the number each group had from smallest to biggest.