Mynegi eu syniadau ac emosiynau trwy gyfryngau gwahanol / Express ideas and emotions through different media
Meysydd Trawsgwricwlaidd/ Cross-curricular themes

Dyma Blwyddyn 1 yn derbyn ysybrydoliaeth am ein thema newydd, ‘Cawlach a Chymysgwch’. Gwisgon ni i fyny fel gwrachod a dewiniaid. Cawsom gyfle i greu hudlath, creu swynion, blasu melysion. Diwrnod o fwynhau llwyr!
Here Year 1 are finding inspiration on our new theme, ‘Potions.’ We dressed up as witches and wizards. We created magical wands, created potions and tasted some sweet things. We all had a fantastic day!