Deall ac yn parchu bod pobl o wahanol gefndiroedd a lleoedd yn y byd, ddoe, heddiw ac yn y dyfodol.
Understand and respect that people from different backgrounds and places in the world, yesterday, today and in the future.
Dyniaethau / Humanities

Gwnaeth Blwyddyn 2 Mr Hutchings dysgu llawer am yr Holocost a pha mor wael cafodd Iddewon eu trin yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Crëwyd calonnau i ddangos parch tuag atyn nhw ac i gofio am eu hamser caled.
Mr Hutchings’ class learned a lot about the Holocaust and how badly Jewish people were treated during the Second World War. We created hearts with ash effects to show respect for them and to remember the hard time they suffered.