Gallu esbonio’r syniadau a’r cysyniadau maen nhw’n eu dysgu, holi ac yn mwynhau a adeiladu sylfaen o wybodaeth/ Can explain the ideas and concepts they are learning about, are questioning and enjoying and are building up a body of knowledge
Dyniaethau / Humanities

Mae’r plant wedi bod yn brysur yn dysgu a casglu ffeithiau am y flwyddyn newydd Tseiniaidd. Bu’r plant yna yn dysgu mae blwyddyn y gwningen yw hi y flwyddyn hon. Gwnaeth y plant yna cael y cyfle i ymarfer ei sgiliau torri a gludo wrth iddynt gwneud cwningen ei hun.
The children have been busy learning and collecting facts about the Chinese new year. The children also learnt that this year we are celebrating the year of the rabbit. The children then had the opportunity to practise their cutting skills to make a rabbit of their own.