All posts by Nia J

Gemau buarth/ Playground games

Gwneud penderfyniadau synhwyrol i gadw’n ddiogel a gwybod ble i droi am gymorth / Make sensible decisions to keep safe and know where to turn for support.

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Well-being

Fe wnaeth blwyddyn 1 cael y cyfle yr wythnos hon i gydweithio gyda Menter Abertawe i ddysgu/ymarfer gemau buarth trwy gyfrwng y Cymraeg.

Year 1 were fortunate to work with ‘Menter Abertawe’. They had the opportunity to learn and practice with Yard games through the medium of Welsh.

Wythnos Awyr agored/ Outdoor learning week.

Mae’r plant wedi bod yn chwilfrydig ac wedi gwneud awgrymiadau am ymholiadau posib, ac wedi gofyn ac ymateb i ystod o gwestiynau yn ystod gwersi awyr agored.

The children have been curious and have made suggestions about possible enquiries, and have asked and responded to a range of questions during outdoor learning .

Dyniaethau / Humanities

Bu blwyddyn 1 yn mantesio a mwynhau ymuno a wythnos dysgu awyr agored. bu’r plant yn mynd ati i adeiladu cuddfan with ddefnyddio nwyddau naturiol. yn ogytsal bu’r plant yn creu lluniau allan o adnoddau naturiol.

Year 1 took advantage and enjoyed joining in outdoor learning week. The children set about building a hideout using natural products. In addition the children created pictures out of natural resources.

Ymarfer corff/ Physical education

Meddu ar y sgiliau a’r wybodaeth i reoli eu bywydau bob dydd mor annibynnol ag sy’n bosibl / Have the skills and knowledge to manage everyday life as independently as they can

Iechyd a lles /Health and wellbeing

Bu plant blwyddyn 1 yn mwynhau gwneud ymarfer corff ar y gwair yr wythnos hon. Buon yn brysur yn gwneud cylchred Ffitrwydd. / year 1 enjoyed doing PE on the grass this week. They worked very hard within our circuits session.

Basgedi’r Pasg/ Easter baskets

Defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau i greu rhywbeth newydd / Use my knowledge and skills to create something new

Gwneud y gorau o bob cyfle / Make the most of every opportunity

Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Creative Arts

Bu’r plant yn mwynhau creu basgedi’r pasg er mwyn dal ei cacennau blasus.

The children enjoyed making Easter baskets in order to put their tasty cakes in.

Arbrawf gwyddoniaeth/Science Experiment

Gosod safonau uchel i’w hunain, yn edrych am ac yn mwynhau her / Set themselves high standards and seek and enjoy challenge

Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology

Bu plant blwyddyn 1 yn mwynhau gwneud arbrawf gwyddoniaeth yr wythnos hon. Bu’r plant yn edrych pa mor gyflym mae ia yn toddi wrth fod yn cwpan gyda gwahanol bethau.

Year 1 children enjoyed doing a science experiment this week. the children looked at how quickly ice melts in a cup with different things .


Gwledydd Masnach Deg/ Fairtrade countries


Deall ac ystyried effaith eu gweithredoedd wrth wneud dewisiadau / Understand and consider the impact of their actions when making choices 

Dyniaethau / Humanities

Bu plant blwyddyn 1 yn edrych ar y map yr wythnos hon gan edrych a deall o ble mae nwyddau masnach deg yn dod.

Year 1 have been studying the map this week while learning and understanding where different Fairtrade produce come from.

Creu cacennau/Making Cakes

Gweithio ac yn chwarae mewn tîm / Working and playing in a team

Trawsgwricwlaidd / Cross-curricular

Mae disgyblion blwyddyn 1 wedi mwynhau cydweithio er mwyn greu cacennau Pasg blasus.

Year 1 pupils have enjoyed working as a team while creating their tasty Easter cakes!

Ymarfer corff / Physical education

Meddu ar y sgiliau a’r wybodaeth i reoli eu bywydau bob dydd mor annibynnol ag sy’n bosibl / Have the skills and knowledge to manage everyday life as independently as they can

Mae’r plant wedi bod yn ymarfer ei sgiliau llygaid llaw y pythefnos yma.Buom yn gwneud hyn wrth ddefnyddio bagiau ffa i ddal ac i daflu.

The children have been working on their hand eye co -ordination this fortnight. They have been practising this skill by using bean bags within our PE lesson.

Sul y mamau/Mothers’ day

Cysylltu a chymhwyso eu gwybodaeth a’u sgiliau i greu syniadau a chynhyrchio/ Connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products

Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts

Ar ôl i’r plant gael hanes o ble a pam cychwynwyd y traddodiad o ddathlu sul y mamau. Cawson cyfle i greu carde ar gyfer menyw sydd wedi cael dylanwad ar ei bywyd i ddweud diolch.

After the children learnt the story of where and why the tradition of celebrating Mother’s Day was started. They had the opportunity to create a card for a woman that has an impact on their lives to say thankyou.

Masnach deg/ Fairtrade

Deall ac ystyried effaith eu gweithredoedd wrth wneud dewisiadau a gweithredu / Engage with contemporary issues based upon their knowledge and values

Dyniaethau / Humanities

Mae’r plant wedi bod yn brysuryn dysgu am materion masnach deg. Mae’nt wedi bod yn dysgu am taith y banana. O ganlyniad mae’nt wedi bod yn tyfu a creu coed ei hun yn y tuff tray.

The children have been learning about the issues surrounding Fair trade. They have also been learning about the journey of the bananas. They then decided they wanted to make/plant banana trees within the Tuff tray.