Gwneud penderfyniadau synhwyrol i gadw’n ddiogel a gwybod ble i droi am gymorth /
Make sensible decisions to stay safe and know where to turn for help.
All posts by JosephH
Sesiwn Rhifau Rhagorol / Big Maths Session
Defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau i gwblhau tasgau. / Use my knowledge and skills to complete tasks.
Fod yn ymholgar a mwynhau datrys problemau. / Be inquisitive and enjoy solving problems.
Cyfathrebu yn dda. / Communicate well.
Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy
Diwrnod Cofio’r Holocost. / Holocaust Remembrance Day
Deall ac yn parchu bod pobl o wahanol gefndiroedd a lleoedd yn y byd, ddoe, heddiw ac yn y dyfodol.
Understand and respect that people from different backgrounds and places in the world, yesterday, today and in the future.
Dyniaethau / Humanities
Gwnaeth Blwyddyn 2 Mr Hutchings dysgu llawer am yr Holocost a pha mor wael cafodd Iddewon eu trin yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Crëwyd calonnau i ddangos parch tuag atyn nhw ac i gofio am eu hamser caled.
Mr Hutchings’ class learned a lot about the Holocaust and how badly Jewish people were treated during the Second World War. We created hearts with ash effects to show respect for them and to remember the hard time they suffered.
Ymarfer Corff / Physical Education
Deall ei bod yn bwysig i gadw fy meddwl a fy nghorff yn iach drwy ymarfer corff a bwydydd maethlon. / Understanding that it is important to keep my mind and body healthy through exercise and nutritious foods.
Iechyd a Lles / Health and wellbeing
Gwneud penderfyniadau synhwyrol i gadw’n ddiogel a gwybod ble i droi am gymorth. / Make sensible decisions to stay safe and know where to turn for help.
Dysgu’r pwysigrwydd o werthoedd cadarn ac rwy’n datblygu fy syniadau a’m credoau. / Learning the importance of solid values and I develop my ideas and beliefs.
Teimlo’n hapus, yn iach ac yn ddiogel. / Feeling happy, healthy and safe.
Iechyd a Lles / Health and Well-being
Disgyblion dosbarth Mr Hutchings wedi mwynhau eu sesiwn cyntaf lles Jigsaw. Dysgom am reoli ein gobeithion, pryderon ac ofnau.
Mr Hutchings’ class enjoyed their first Jigsaw wellbeing session. We learnt about controlling our hopes, worries and fears.
Trafod a chymharu lluniau o Abertawe nawr ac yn y gorffennol. / Discussing and comparing pictures of Swansea now and in the past.
Dysgu am y byd o fy nghwmpas (diwylliant, cymuned, a chymdeithas) nawr ac yn y gorffennol. / Learning about the world around me (culture, community, and society) now and in the past.
Dyniaethau / Humanities
Cafodd Blwyddyn 2 Mr Hutchings trafodaeth drylwyr yn cymharu beth sy’n debyg a beth sy’n wahanol wrth edrych ar luniau o farchnad Abertawe nawr ac yn y gorffennol.
Mr Hutchings’ class enjoyed comparing what is similar and what is different whilst looking at pictures of Swansea market now and in the past.